
This will contain a basic introduction to what concepts are used in prev, also refrence to pre-built tech (like preact) used in prev.

Feature Set

The entire conepts can be summarised into two parts (Like any web project), Frontend and the Backend.

Frontend is all about understanding preact since we are using the islands to make our Frontend componenets reactive (Interactable)

Backend is being managed natively by prev.

Core Concepts

There are three major factors in prev, Builder, Plugins and . Where the builder performs the task of actually building the Server and the Client. Plugins are used to alter the base workflow of prev and .

File structure

prev //TODO


Let's consider the file structure to look like this

➜  pages tree
├── +test.js
└── hello.js

If prev is running on locahost:3000, then the request localhost:3000/hello will be handled by hello.js But when localhost:3000/4 (or anything other than the file present in the current directory). +test.js will handle the request and "4" can be accessed directly by the function present in the +test.js file. under the params value of the request